Vitamin E Soft Gelatin Capsule

Vitamin-E contains tocotrienol and tocopherol. It has antioxidant property. It plays an important role in immune system and various metabolic processes.

Tocotrienol belongs to the vitamin -E family. It acts as antioxidant and neutralize the free radicals . It has anti- antherogenic , anti- thrombotic , anticogulant , cell membrane stabilising and antiviral actions .

Tocopherol is the active form of the vitamin E.
tocopherol exits in alpha, beta, gamma form. It reduces the chances of cancer.
  • anti- cancer
  • anti -aging
  • anti inflammatory
  • anti oxidant
  • cystic fibrosis
  • cholestasis
  • used to treat severe liver disease

Mechanism of action:

vitamin – E act as antioxidant by preventing the reaction of the free radicals with the cell membrane , and also it prevents the lipid peroxidation.


absorption: it is absorbed by the intestine and its absorption depends on the amount of fat in which it is dissolved.
Protein binding: it is mainly bound to the lipoprotein in the blood.
Metabolism: it undergoes beta oxidation.
Excretion: it is excreted via urine as well through urine.
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • diarrhea
  • cramps in the stomach
  • bleeding from gums and nose
  • weakness
  • contraindicated in people with liver disease
  • contraindicated in bleeding disorders.
Store it at 20ºC , protected from light as it sensitive from light .